We had a very productive workday thanks to Wade and Jamie Hanchar, Kaetlyn and Kris McFarland, Lucy Estabrook, Maureen Miller, Katie and Lizzy Rosdorff and Jack Gilstrap. We policed the trailhead and entry area for trash and debris. Wade, Jamie, Kaetlyn, Kris and I took the Gator on the trail to install new signs and take down several dead trees too close to the trail. This group earned the title “WRECKING CREW!” We cleared alot in a timely manner.

Mission accomplished thanks to Great Volunteers.

Thanks to all,

Jack Gilstrap

April 23, 2011 at Brockdale Park Trail Head.

Arrive at 9:30 and Ride out at 10:00 am. After the ride (around 1pm), our Cowboy Chefs Kurt and Shelley Van Doran will once again be treating us to a traditional dutch oven lunch. Read the rest of this entry »

Gallery Snippets
Horse watering hole Charlie visiting with friends Firepit Heading out Relaxing Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart