2024 TTPA Board Members

President Duke Monson Email
Vice President Stephane Van Dyke
Treasurer Amy Lester Dickerson Email
Secretary Sharon Berryman Email
Events Chair Paula Walker Email
Membership Christel Parish Email
Newsletter Brenda Rizos Email
Grant Coordinator Tracy Matern Email
Trail Steward Duke Monson Email
Public Relations Chris Churchill Email
Past President Tracy Matern Email
Web Master Mike Churchill Email

The current TTPA board is made up of President and Trail Steward Duke Monson, Vice President Stephane Van Dyke, Treasurer Amy Lester Dickerson, Secretary Sharon Berryman, Newsletter Brenda Rizos, Events Coordinator Paula Walker, Membership Christel Parish, Grant Coordinator Brenda Rizos, Past President Tracy Matern, Public Relations Chris Churchill and Webmaster Mike Churchill.

If you are interested in becoming more active in the organization reach out to any of the board members or show up for one of our monthly work days or one of our events. You can see the work day / event calendar on our calendar page. Check our Facebook page for updates since weather sometimes interferes with our scheduled events.

Gallery Snippets
Horse watering hole Cooling off in the shade Shelly TTPATrailer Riders enjoying the trail Watering horses after a ride