TTPA Sponsors

The following companies and individuals help support the TTPA through our Membership Form and are listed here and in our monthly Newsletter. The TTPA accepts three levels of Sponsorship:

  • Level One: Pony Membership – $100 Donation
    • Business card ad in the TTPA monthly newsletter
    • Single membership invitation to all TTPA organized rides/events

  • Level Two: Horse Membership – $200 Donation
    • Business card ad in the TTPA monthly newsletter
    Business card on TTPA web site with link to their web site
    • Single membership invitation to all TTPA organized rides/events

  • Level Three: Draft Membership – $300 Donation
    • Business card ad in the TTPA monthly newsletter
    • Business card on TTPA web site with link to their web site
    One full page listing in the TTPA newsletter per calendar year
    Special invitation to exclusively sponsor one TTPA event (e.g.: Trail ride, Clinic, or Quarterly Meeting)
    • Single membership invitation to all TTPA organized rides/events

If you are interested in becoming a Featured Sponsor, please contact Christel Parish, our Membership Chair.

Draft Horse Sponsor

Contact Bella Terra Tennessee Walking Horses for your next horse.
Visit the Parker Road Veterinary Hospital Web Site

Pony Sponsors

  • Livestock Removal Service – Jan Kearney

And special thanks to CARDS Recycling and Waste Management.

Thanks to all our sponsors. You make a difference!

Gallery Snippets
Heading out Relaxing Steve and Debbie ride in for lunch Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit Riding on Trinity Trail Out on the trail