We’ll meet at the East Fork Campground (not the trailhead) and weed-whack and mow the equine camping area.

When – 10am, Thursday, Dec 15, 2016
Where – East Fork Campground, Wylie. Tell the campground gate guard you are there with TTPA to work on the equine camping spots. Follow the camp roads to the left to get to the equine area.
What to bring – Weed-whackers, loppers, gloves and water.

Afterwards, some of us may go to Collin Park to mow and weed-whack along the fence line by their entrance gate.

Gallery Snippets
Heading out Relaxing Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart Joan riding Zegna Enjoying lunch Taking a break at Collin Park