Support TTPA by
Shopping at Amazon

Do you shop at Amazon?

Do you want to help the TTPA while you shop?

Link your Amazon account to the TTPA through Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate to the TTPA for every eligible purchase.

Amazon has a charitable program called Amazon Smile which donates 0.5% of every eligible purchase to the charity of your choice. We’ve set up the Trinity Trail Preservation Association in Amazon Smile. Spend $100 on Amazon, and Amazon smile will make a $0.50 donation to the TTPA. Individually, that’s not much, but multiply that by dozens of purchases by dozens and dozens of members and it’ll add up.

How to Link Your Amazon Account to the TTPA

Click on this link to visit Amazon Smile and log into your Amazon account. Once linked, any purchase you make through will automatically donate to the TTPA. This doesn’t cost you anything, and it’ll help support the TTPA.

How to Remember to Use Amazon Smile

The donations only work if you visit Amazon via the website.
While not a requirement, there are plugins for Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari which will automatically reroute requests to Once installed, if you type or follow a link to or, you’ll be automatically be rerouted to the corresponding page on and your purchase will qualify and benefit the TTPA. You might have to log into your account at smile if not currently logged in.

Click here is the Amazon Smile plugin for Firefox.

the Amazon Smile plugin for Google Chrome, and

the Amazon Smile plugin for Apple Safari

Gallery Snippets
Mike and Chris Steve and Debbie ride in for lunch Tracy Matern on the trail Joan riding Zegna Taking a break at Collin Park Charlie Gaines on Spirit