East Winningkoff Trail Head

The East Winningkoff trail head is located towards the northern end of the 25.5 mile long Trinity Trail near the intersection of East Winningkoff Rd and the north end of Shady Lane in Lucas, TX. (see map below)

The East Winningkoff trail head was built by the City of Lucas with the assistance of grant monies from Collin County. It is maintained by the City of Lucas, along with the easements on East Winningkoff Rd and Welborn Lane that riders may use to get to the Trinity Trail. It is the newest trail head in the Trinity Trail system (opened Fall 2017) and uses a nearby horse gate at the northern end of Welborn Lane for access to the Trinity Trail.

From there hikers and riders may go north to the Sycamore Loop or south to Highland Park trail head and points further south.

The trail head has picnic tables, a pavilion, a bathroom, a horse pen, ample parking for horse trailers, and a horse watering trough.

The Trinity Trail access is east of the trail head on Welborn Lane.




To get to the Welborn Lane Trinity Trail Access Gate:

  • leave the trail head on the eastern side (next to the water tower)
  • go east on E. Winningkoff towards the lake. The shoulder and bar ditch are within the town’s easement.
  • Turn left on Welborn Lane and go north approximately one mile, again the shoulder and bar ditch are within the town’s easement.
  • The easement extends all the way past the end of Welborn Lane and through the North Texas Municipal Water District property to an opening in the fence on the right, where the horse gate is located.
  • There is a white Trinity Trail path stake next to the opening that points to the gate, and beyond the gate is the trail.
  • Turn left to go north on the trail to the Sycamore Loop (about 1/2 mile to the base of the Loop), or turn right to go south towards Highland Park trail head (about 2.5 miles).

Here’s a Google map to help you find the trail heads.

View Trinity Trail – 4 Trail Heads in Wylie & Lucas TX on Lake Lavon in a larger map

Driving Directions to East Winningkoff Rd Trail Head: To get to the East Winningkoff Rd Trail Head from US 75:

Exit on Bethany Drive in Allen and go east.

Take Bethany Drive through Allen into Lucas (about 5 miles).

Continue straight through on Bethany Road, the road changes its name to East Lucas Road and intersects with FM 1378.

Go through the traffic light straight on Lucas Road.

In about ½ mile, when the road makes a sharp right-hand curve, you will see the Lucas Food Mart and Fina station on your left and a traffic light.

Turn left here at stop light on FM 3286 (aka W. Lucas Road).

Go about 5/10ths of a mile to Winningkoff Rd and turn left.

Head north about 1.6 miles. You will drive through two sharp 90-degree turns. Please mind the drop-offs on the shoulders.

Go straight at the stop sign at Snider Lane, cross a bridge, and pass Blondy Jhune Rd on your left.

At the next stop sign, turn right onto East Winningkoff Rd.

The trail head is on the left about 0.2 miles from the turn.

Riding Distances Approximately 1.1 miles North along roadside from trail head to Welborn Lane Trinity Trail Access Gate
1.5 Miles North from trail head to start of Sycamore Loop
3.5 Miles North (then South) from trail head to Highland Park Tail Head
Features of Ride Trails in two directions, trails through varying terrain. North trail is mostly wooded, South trail is a combination of open areas, and woods.
Gallery Snippets
Mike and Chris Steve and Debbie ride in for lunch Tracy Matern on the trail Joan riding Zegna Taking a break at Collin Park Charlie Gaines on Spirit