Self Defense on Horseback Clinic

Clinic Taught by Eddie Rodriguez of True Horsemanship Seminars

2 Nov 2024 Update: Rescheduled to Saturday 16 Nov 2024
10 AM
Highland Park Trail Head
1955 Snider Lane, Lucas Texas

TTPA is hosting a Self Defense on Horseback Clinic on Saturday 16 November 2024. The clinic will be taught by Eddie Rodriguez. Eddie has over 40 years of studying from some of the world’s best horseman. He is a popular in-demand clinician so we expect his clinic to fill quickly.

We are announcing this to TTPA members first so they have a chance to sign up before we advertise publicly. We are encouraging all TTPA members to attend the clinic so we can all be safer on the trails.

This clinic will teach you to be more aware on the trail and the trail head. Eddie teaches methods used by mounted police to control a threatening situation. Learn to prevent an attack and defend yourself from a potential assault.

TTPA members and the public can participate in the clinic for $50 a person (This is a special rate to TTPA because we are a non-profit). People have the option of auditing for $25 a person.

Anyone can participate in the clinic you don’t have to be a TTPA member although it is encouraged.

This clinic will fill quickly and has limited room so sign up early. You can use the buttons below to register.



Below is some additional information about Eddie Rodriguez and True Horsemanship Seminars.

Gallery Snippets
Horse watering hole Kurt cooked an awesome lunch Steve and Debbie ride in for lunch Tracy Matern on the trail Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit Riders enjoying the trail